Ironsworn - Firstborn (d100)

Generates a random entry from the Firstborn section of the Ironsworn Rulebook

Description (more info)

30% Varou
25% Troll
20% Giant
20% Elf
5% Primordial

d100 Result



Dangerous (2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm)

Yellow eyes shining in the moonlight
Pointed ears and snout-like faces

Take their land
Defend my kin
Keep the bloodcall at bay

Strike at night
Leap into combat
Let loose the bloodcall

The varou are humanoid beings who dwell within the Deep Wilds and in the woods of the Hinterlands. They have fierce, wolf-like features and are broad-shouldered and a head taller than the average Ironlander. Their long hair is ornately groomed and decorated with beads and other trinkets.

The varou value territory above all things. They often war amongst themselves and against the elves to gain or defend holdings. They mark their claims by carving clan symbols into trees. Only the foolish ignore the warning of these border signs. Several of our settlements—built too close to varou territory—are now abandoned ruins bearing the mark of a victorious varou clan.



Formidable (1 progress per harm; inflicts 3 harm)

Long limbs
Sunken, beady eyes
Translucent skin camouflaged to the environment
Keen sense of smell
Speaks in gibberish

Find pretty things
Keep it secret

Be sneaky
Bite and claw
Run and hide

Trolls mostly live in the Flooded Land, but it’s not unusual to encounter one in the Hinterlands or even in the southern reaches of the Havens. They are solitary creatures, wary of contact with Ironlanders but likely to attack if scared or provoked.

They move with their back hunched, often skulking on all four gangly limbs. When they stand straight they are much taller than humans—nearly as tall as a giant. Their skin is a sickly pale gray, but they can camouflage themselves by changing it to match their environment.

Trolls collect objects of all sorts, and particularly value Ironlander trinkets. They are tormented by the fear of others stealing their hoard, and are constantly seeking out new, better hiding places. The items are mostly junk to anyone but a troll, but occasionally an object of real value finds its way into the dregs.



Extreme (2 ticks per harm; inflicts 4 harm)

Dark hair and ruddy skin
Twice the size of a tall man, or more
Wearing layers of wool, hide and furs
Stoic and observant

Survive the winter
Protect the herd

Fight as a last resport
Sweeping strike
Make them flee

Giants dwell in the Tempest Hills and Veiled Mountains. They live a nomadic life alone or in small family units, herding oxen, mountain goats, and sheep. In their own language they are called the jokul.

Many Ironlanders misinterpret their quiet nature for dullness, but giants are keenly intelligent and observant. They have a great respect for life, even for our kind, and will use trickery and negotiation to avoid a fight. When they are left without other options, an enraged giant is a devastating, relentless force.



Dangerous (2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm)

Large, luminous eyes seen through wooden masks
Gray-green skin the texture of dry leaves
Sonorous voices
Wielding bows and spears

Protect the wilds
Drive out trespassers, or see them pay

Strike from shadow
Force their surrender
Turn the forest against them

Elves are strange beings of the forest, seldom seen beyond the ancient woods of the Deep Wilds. They are fiercely protective of their lands and suspicious of humans. Their scouts patrol the borderlands, riding the fearsome mounts we call gaunts (page 149). Others of their kind watch us from the shadow of the deep woods, spears and bow at the ready. Some say elven mystics can bind the animals and beasts of the forest to aid in the defense of the Wilds.

A few warn that the elves are biding their time, readying the attack which will drive us from these lands.



Extreme (2 ticks per harm; inflicts 4 harm)

Personification of the natural world
Turbulent, changing form
Vaguely human-like or animal-like form

Embody Chaos
Cling to vestiges of power

Control the elements
Destroy with primal rage

The primordials, said to be the vestigial spirits of long-forgotten gods, are the most ancient of the firstborn. Each embodies some aspect of the natural world, bound in a form which is a crude mimicry of a human or large animal. A river primordial is a mass of rock, gravel, and flowing water. A forest primordial is comprised of wood, earth, rocks, and plants. A mountain primordial is a lumbering being of glacier stone and ice. A fire primordial, depending on its mood, might take form as embers, ash and smoke—or as a raging pyre.

They range in size from the height of an Ironlander to half-again as tall as a giant. Rumors persist of primordials who dwell in the deepest parts of the Wilds, or high in the ranges of the Veiled Mountains, who are as tall as an ancient tree. Beyond, some suggest, in the Shattered Wastes, live primordials who tower into the clouds. Is the sound of distant thunder sometimes the footfalls of mountain-sized primordials who dwell beyond the edges of the known world?

Primordials are solitary beings and as unpredictable as the natural forces they personify. They might ignore you. They might lurk at a distance, as if observing you. Or, they might attack. They do not speak in any language we can understand. Some suggest they have no intelligence, and are merely a manifestation of the natural world, no different than a winter storm.

How do you kill an primordial? Most scoff at the idea. You are just as likely to kill the rain or the sea. A mystic might tell you to use a weapon imbued with elemental power. Don’t trust them. If you see a primordial, keep your distance. Better yet, run.

Ironsworn by Shawn Tomkin (