Table 4 (d20)

d20 Result


Change Shape The demon can use an action, or a triggered action on its turn, to transform into a male or female human with a pleasing appearance. While in this form, the demon loses its horrifying trait and its natural weapon. It remains in this form until it uses a triggered action at any time to return to its normal form.


Hidden Twin A second demon hides inside the body of this demon. If the fi rst demon becomes incapacitated, the second demon stands up in the space the fi rst demon occupied and can take the next available turn. The second demon must be of a Size at least two steps smaller than the host. A Size 1 demon could host a Size 1/4 demon, for example. The hidden twin has no demonic talents. Use the statistics box of the demon of the appropriate size from Shadow of the Demon Lord.


Illusions The demon has unlimited castings of the figment spell from the Illusion tradition and can cast the spell on its turn using a triggered action.


Curse-Speaker The demon utters foul words in Dark Speech and makes an Intellect attack roll against the Will of one creature within short range that can hear it. On a success, the creature becomes cursed (as if by a rank 3 spell) for 1 minute or until the demon is incapacitated. While cursed in this way, the creature is impaired and takes 1d6 extra damage from all sources.


Invisible If the demon is visible at the end of the round, it becomes invisible and remains so until it uses an action to attack.


Split When the demon becomes injured, it divides into two demons, the second appearing in an open space it can reach. Each demon has half the original demon’s Health, and they divide the original demon’s damage between them. As well, each demon reduces its Size by one step (minimum 1/4; a Size 1/4 demon does not grow smaller). Both demons then lose this talent, but otherwise retain their statistics.


*Shrunken *Reduce the demon’s Size by one step, such that a Size 1 demon becomes Size 1/2 (minimum 1/4). The demon otherwise retains its statistics.


Unstable When the demon takes damage, it must deal damage before the end of the round or take 2d6 damage as its body begins to discorporate.


Bleeder Whenever a living creature takes damage from the demon’s natural weapon attack, the creature must get a success on a Strength challenge roll or suffer a bleeding wound. At the end of each round, a creature takes 1d6 damage for each bleeding wound it has suffered. A creature can use an action to stanch and remove a bleeding wound by getting a success on an Intellect challenge roll.


Demonic Darkness The demon’s Demonic Shadows trait creates darkness instead of shadows.


Sightless The demon gains the sightless trait (Shadow, page 215).


Painful Weapon Whenever a living creature takes damage from the demon’s natural weapon, the creature must get a success on a Will challenge roll or become impaired for 1 round.


Void Step Mastery The demon does not roll a d6 after using its Void Step talent.


Blurred Appearance The demon appears blurry and indistinct. Creatures make Will challenge rolls to resist its horrifying trait with 1 boon, but creatures that can see it make their attack rolls against it with 1 bane.


Invisible to the Insane The demon is invisible to frightened creatures. A creature that is no longer frightened can see the demon normally.


Hidden Threat The demon can use a triggered action on its turn to hide or retreat.


Blink The demon blinks in and out of existence at the end of each round. If the demon was present in the round that is ending, it ceases to exist until the end of the next round. If the demon was absent during the round that is ending, it reappears in an open space of its choice within 5 yards of the space it previously occupied.


Shadow Blooms The demon can use a triggered action on its turn to cause shadows to appear in a cube originating from a point within medium range. The cube measures a number of yards on each side equal to the demon’s Size (minimum 1 yard). The shadows remain until the demon is incapacitated.


Ghostly Halve the demon’s Health. The demon takes half damage from weapons, ignores difficult terrain, and can move through the spaces of solid objects, though it cannot end its movement in such spaces. If it does, it is instantly destroyed.


Invisible in Light The demon loses its Demonic Shadows trait. Instead, the demon is invisible while in lit areas.