Changeling Dwarf Appearances (3d6)

3d6 Result


have a monstrous appearance, likely due to hard living and several near misses. Your face is a mass of scar tissue, missing Resolve: {an ear|an eye|your nose}. You also display some unusual habit, such as pounding nails into your skull or greasing your body with troll fat


have several interesting features that work together to make you one ugly brute. Filth from digging in the dirt, mites infesting your hair, skin lashed with healing scars, and a rich aroma of vomit—all these contribute to your distinctive style


look like a typical dwarf, being hairy, portly, and grubby


take a bit better care of yourself and keep your facial hair well groomed


take pride in your appearance. You stay clean, oil your facial hair, and Resolve: {braid it|tie it with metal rings}


are quite fetching for a dwarf. You have regal features, good bearing, and a deep voice. Like other dwarfs, you take pride in your appearance