Changeling Human Appearances (3d6)

3d6 Result


hideous. You look like a monster. Children cry when they encounter you, the weak of heart faint when they see you, and one person vomited after getting a good look at your face


ugly. People find your visage unpleasant thanks to Resolve: {scars|wens|beetling brows|boils|piles|a wandering eye|weeping eye}


most consider you homely: not quite ugly, but a bit worse than plain


plain and uninteresting to look upon. People notice you, but your appearance fails to make an impression


perfectly average in appearance. You look like everyone else


have a physical quality that makes you attractive to others


have several attractive physical qualities that make you quite comely


one of the great beauties in the land, an individual of almost unsurpassed form and appearance. People notice you


put beautiful people to shame. You are so striking, heads turn to follow you wherever you go. People become infatuated with you, stumbling over their words and feeling flustered when you show them attention. There’s a fine line between love and hate. Should you spurn the attentions of people you enamor, their affection might sour to resentment and even hatred