Faun Personalities (3d6)

3d6 Result


You have known nothing but sorrow your whole life and it’s time to repay others for how they have treated you


The world is a cruel and unforgiving place. You do whatever you must to survive, even if that means stealing, cheating, or killing


You do and say what you please. You try not to hurt other people, but if it happens, there’s not much you can do about it


You survive by looking after yourself. You have a hard time trusting others or taking them at their word


You trust yourself to do what is right, even if others disagree with your tactics


You put your best foot forward. If you can prove your heart is good, maybe others will give you a chance


You were born for a reason, to accomplish some great task, to fulfill a great purpose. You hope to find your destiny and do what you were meant to do