Changeling Backgrounds (d20)

d20 Result


You only recently discovered your true nature, and you are having a difficult time adjusting to your new reality (start the game with 1 Insanity)


You have no idea that you’re a changeling. You think you are a member of the ancestry whose form you adopted. You worked as Roll on "Professions" (add it to your profession list). Until you become incapacitated or touch iron for the first time, you cannot use Steal Identity


You were enslaved by a hag and forced to perform unspeakable acts as she commanded you (start the game with 1 Corruption)


You murdered the person whose identity you stole so you could take over that person’s life (start the game with 1 Corruption)


When your “parents” learned what you were, they cast you out from your home and you were forced to make your own way in the world


You ran away from home when you learned what you were and lived among the faerie for many years


You have earned the enmity of a witch hunter. This foe hunts you and will try to kill you if he or she ever finds you


Fearful townsfolk drove you out of your hometown. You have grown to hate them and plot revenge


The first time you stole someone’s identity, you also stole a few of that person’s memories


You earned a living working in your profession


You fell in love, and your lover is not aware of your true identity


After being exiled from your hometown, Resolve: {a druid|witch} took you in and cared for you. You always have a home with this character


You worked as an informant for the Inquisition


You received an education (you know how to read the Common Tongue)


You learned a terrible secret while masquerading as someone else (work out the nature of that secret with your Game Master}


Your parents raised you even though they knew what you were. Their love and encouragement gave you the stability you needed to grow into a mature personality


The elf who made you recently found you and befriended you. You can call in one favor from that elf by speaking into a shell he or she gave you. The extent of the favor’s power is subject to the GM’s discretion


You adopted the form of someone famous, powerful, and important


You have ties to a criminal organization after being recruited for your magical gifts


You came into a quantity of money and start the game with Roll 2d6 extra copper pennies