Demon Blood (d8)

d8 Result


  • Re-roll
  • Re-roll


You slowly transform into a Vrock/ Barbed Devil as though a True Polymorph spell was cast on you. This effect takes Roll 5d20 days to fully transform, but you take on some traits as the effect goes on. While transforming, you can stop the effect by casting Greater Restoration on you. If the effect ends this way, any change to your appearance or statistics do not end. After the effect is made permanent, only a Wish spell or greater magic can end the effect on you. If you hit 0 or less hit points, you do not revert back into your old form. You remain in control of your character.


In times of stress, you hear whispering in Infernal and see spots in front of your eyes. When you fail a saving throw, roll a d20. On a 1, you are restrained until the end of your next turn.


After 6 seconds you take Roll 3d6 fire damage and Roll 3d10 piercing damage as two horns quickly grow through your head as if you were a demon. your hands permanently become claws that deal Roll 1d8 slashing damage. your new hands are not accustomed to holding weapons. unless they are specially made for your hands, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with those weapons.


Your flesh turns a deep blood red permanently.


taking in that which is unnatural can be good for you or your soul. For the next Roll 1d4 days for the purpose of resolving a detect good and evil spell, your type is Feind


You gain +1 Hit Point per Level; gain +1 STR & +1 CON. However… wounds no longer heal, and "Cure" spells are ineffective, unless you torture to death one being of your race each month... then each week... then each day. Torture does not need to be excessively prolonged, but must at least qualify as a painful kill (burning to death works, but it must not be instantaneous). Naturally, unless you're already evil, alignment will shift. Even torturing evil-doers isn't really the act of a good or even neutral person.


You gain the ability to cast Crown of Madness and Scorching Ray each 1/day and +1 Str and Con as your skin gardens and your eyes turn red with the internal power inside you. However, some creatures can sense this darkness inside you. Roll 1d20 when you encounter a beast or monstrosity. On a 15 or higher they become more hostile to you If they were friendly they become neutral and uncertain, if they were neutral they become hostile and if they were hostile they will try and attack you.