Hauntings of Thessalia


Roll 1dx* to determine which person present is affected by the Haunting. If it explodes then an additional person is subjected.
e.g. 4 people=1d4, result of 4 means 1d3 is rolled to determine next affected.
Being Haunted twice in one month means you gain a random madness

Resolve: {A vision of death unending: Experience every way you may die. Save vs Magic or take 1d2 damage|
Small, ghastly creatures manifest in your vision. Save vs Magic or become terrified for 24 hours. -2 to attack and may only take 1 action on your turn|
Spirits of Cursed Elves. Shunned by their creator, they are trapped as spirits and not allowed to reincarnate. If touched by one you sprout plant growth and afflicted area turns to bark. -3 cha and drop 1 rank of hotness|
Imposters! Save v magic. You are cursed with Capgras syndrome. The horribly creepy feeling that that those you know are imposters and have replaced your loved ones/ friends. Make another save after 1 hour, if failed make another save after 1 day. If that save fails then make another save after 1 week. The effect becomes permanent if you fail this final check|
Deja Vu - save v magic or be cursed with unsettling deja vu for Roll 1d20 days. It starts out small, but as it happens more frequently you inch closer to madness, convinced everything has already happened and you are stuck in a replay of your life|
