Gamma World Society

Based on Aria Worlds Civilization Creation System

This chart uses input variables

{%if Society_Age == {Less than 1}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d12} Months}%}

{%if Society_Age == {Between 1-3}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d24+12} Months}%}

{%if Society_Age == {Between 4-10}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d6+4} Years}%}

{%if Society_Age == {Between 11-50}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d40+10} Years}%}

{%if Society_Age == {Between 51-200}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d150+50} Years}%}

{%if Society_Age == {Between 201-400}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d200+200} Years}%}

{%if Society_Age == {Between 401-1000}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d600+400} Years}%}

{%if Society_Age == {Between 1001-5000}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d40+10} Centuries}%}

{%if Society_Age == {Between 5001-10,000}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d50+50} Centuries}%}

{%if Society_Age == {More than 10,000}%}
{%age_value_number={{1d100+100} Centuries}%}

{% Society_Outreach_Value={1d2} %}
{%if Society_Outreach_Value == {1}%}

{%Society_Outreach_Aspect_Value={1d6} %}
{%if Society_Outreach_Aspect_Value == {1}%}
{%Society_Outreach_Aspect_Description="aquire something"%}
{%if Society_Outreach_Aspect_Value == {2}%}
{%Society_Outreach_Aspect_Description="live their lives according to their beliefs"%}
{%if Society_Outreach_Aspect_Value == {3}%}
{%Society_Outreach_Aspect_Description="prevention something bad from happening"%}
{%if Society_Outreach_Aspect_Value == {4}%}
{%Society_Outreach_Aspect_Description="maintain our traditions"%}

{%if Society_Outreach_Aspect_Value == {5}%}

{%if Society_Orientation_Posture=={Active}%}
{%Society_Outreach_Aspect_Description="enjoy the outcome"%}
{%Society_Outreach_Aspect_Description="relive our past glories"%}

{%if Society_Outreach_Aspect_Value == {6}%}
{%Society_Outreach_Aspect_Description="change the lives of our children for the better"%}

{%Philosophical_Orientation= {CHART(name="Philosophical Orientation", cols="1", dice="1d100*{$age_multiplier}")} %}
{%Philosophical_Orientation_Passive_Value= {CHART(name="Philosophical Orientation", dice="1d100*{$age_multiplier}", cols="2" )}%}
{%Philosophical_Orientation_Active_Value= {CHART(name="Philosophical Orientation", dice="1d100*{$age_multiplier}",cols="3" )}%}

{%Isolation_Value_Active_Output={EQN(MIN( 100, {$Isolation_Value_Active} * 5 ) )} %}
{%Isolation_Value_Passive_Output={EQN( MIN ( 100 , {$Isolation_Value_Passive} * 5 ) )} %}
{%Isolation_Value_Active_Description={CHART(id="10896", dice="{$Isolation_Value_Active}")}%}
{%Isolation_Value_Passive_Description={CHART(id="10896", dice="{$Isolation_Value_Passive}")}%}
DEBUG: Isolation: {$Isolation_Value_Passive} - {$Isolation_Value_Active}

{%Interaction_Value_Active_Output={EQN(MIN( 100, {$Interaction_Value_Active} * 5 ) )} %}
{%Interaction_Value_Passive_Output={EQN( MIN ( 100 , {$Interaction_Value_Passive} * 5 ) )} %}
{%Interaction_Value_Active_Description={CHART(id="10897", dice="{$Interaction_Value_Active}")}%}
{%Interaction_Value_Passive_Description={CHART(id="10897", dice="{$Interaction_Value_Passive}")}%}
DEBUG: Interaction: {$Interaction_Value_Passive} - {$Interaction_Value_Active}

{%Philosophical_Orientation_Technology_Passive_Value= {CHART(name="Philosophical Orientation", dice="1d100*{$age_multiplier}", cols="5" )}%}
{%Philosophical_Orientation_Technology_Active_Value= {CHART(name="Philosophical Orientation", dice="1d100*{$age_multiplier}",cols="6" )}%}
{%Technology_Value_Active_Output={EQN(MIN( 100, {$Technology_Value_Active} * 5 ) )} %}
{%Technology_Value_Passive_Output={EQN( MIN ( 100 , {$Technology_Value_Passive} * 5 ) )} %}
DEBUG: Technology: {$Technology_Value_Passive} - {$Technology_Value_Active}

{%Subsistence_Classification_Value_Passive_Check = {EQN(ROUND({$Isolation_Value_Passive}/2))} %}
{%if Subsistence_Classification_Value_Passive_Check >= {$Technology_Value_Passive}%}

{%Subsistence_Classification_Value_Active_Check = {EQN(ROUND({$Isolation_Value_Active}/2))} %}
{%if Subsistence_Classification_Value_Active_Check >= {$Technology_Value_Active}%}

{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Passive={{$Technology_Value_Passive}+{2d3-4}} %}







{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Active_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Active}", cols="2")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Passive_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Passive}", cols="2")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Active_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Active}", cols="3")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Passive_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Passive}", cols="3")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Agriculture_Active_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Agriculture_Active}", cols="4")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Agriculture_Passive_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Agriculture_Passive}", cols="4")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Building_Active_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Building_Active}", cols="5")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Building_Passive_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Building_Passive}", cols="5")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Transportation_Active_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Transportation_Active}", cols="6")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Transportation_Passive_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Transportation_Passive}", cols="6")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Military_Active_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Military_Active}", cols="7")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Military_Passive_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Military_Passive}", cols="7")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Innovation_Active_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Innovation_Active}", cols="8")}%}
{%Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Innovation_Passive_Description={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Innovation_Passive}", cols="8")}%}
{%Tech_level ={CHART(name="Technology Levels", filter_cols="1", filter="{$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Passive}", cols="9")}%}

Age: {$age_value_number} old
Philosophical Orientation: ({$Society_Outreach_Aspect}) {$Society_Orientation_Posture} {$Philosophical_Orientation} in order to {$Society_Outreach_Aspect_Description}
{%if Society_Orientation_Posture == {Active}%}
Isolation: ({$Isolation_Value_Active_Output}%) {$Isolation_Value_Active_Description}
Interaction: ({$Interaction_Value_Active_Output}%) {$Interaction_Value_Active_Description}
Gamma World Tech Level: {$Tech_level} ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Active})
Dominate Materials: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Active}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Active_Description}
Power: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Active}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Active_Description}
Agriculture: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Agriculture_Active}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Agriculture_Active_Description}
Building: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Building_Active}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Building_Active_Description}
Transportation: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Transportation_Active}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Transportation_Active_Description}
Military: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Military_Active}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Military_Active_Description}
Innovation: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Innovation_Active}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Innovation_Active_Description}

Isolation: ({$Isolation_Value_Passive_Output}%) {$Isolation_Value_Passive_Description}
Interaction: ({$Interaction_Value_Passive_Output}%) {$Interaction_Value_Passive_Description}
Gamma World Tech Level: {$Tech_level} ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Passive})
Dominate Materials: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Passive}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Passive_Description}
Power: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Innovation_Passive}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Innovation_Passive_Description}
Agriculture: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Military_Passive}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Military_Passive_Description}
Building: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Transportation_Passive}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Transportation_Passive_Description}
Transportation: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Building_Passive}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Building_Passive_Description}
Military: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Agriculture_Passive}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Agriculture_Passive_Description}
Innovation: ({$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Passive}) - {$Dominate_Materials_Scale_Value_Power_Passive_Description}



Philosophical Orientation (d350)

d350 Result Passive Active Symbol Technology Passive Technology Active





































Knowledge / Thought






Isolation Description (d100)

d100 Result


The society is completely isolated.  It is nearly impossible to reach, being surrounded by hazardous and impassable terrain features, natural barriers, or vast distances


The society is extremely isolated. It is very difficult to reach, with progress hampered by natural and man made barriers. A single access route may exist, but it will generally be dangerous to travel.


The society is highly isolated and difficult to reach.  A few access routes may exist, but they are not easy to negotiate.


The society is isolated and is fairly difficult to reach.  Several access routes exist, but most are poorly maintained.  One or two might facilitate regular traffic, and are therefore kept in passable condition.


The society is neither isolated or accessible.  It may be somewhat difficult to reach, although many access routes exist.  A handful of these routes are well traveled and passable.


The society is only slightly isolated.  It is not difficult to reach and a number of easily traveled route exist.


The society is not isolated.  It is rather easy to reach, having numerous well-maintained access routes


The society is easy to reach.  Many well-traveled, well-maintained routes lead to and from the society region.  The surrounding landscape affords little or no impeding terrain features.  Other societies may share borders with this society.


The society is completely accessible and can be reached very easily.  Access routes are numerous and invariably kept in excellent repair.  No natural barriers or hindering terrain features border the society.  Other nations own land / territory that borders this society.

Interaction Description (d100)

d100 Result


The society is completely non-interactive.  Commerce and communication with other societies is nonexistent.  The society is totally internalized, and intracommunal traffic is kept to a minimum.  Resources and exploitation values are unusually high.


The society is extremely non-interactive.  Traffic and communication with other societies is infrequent, and the society is highly interalized. Significant internal resources may be present, and their exploitation values will be high.


The society is very-non-interactive.  Commerce and traffic with neighboring societies is uncommon.  The society is internalized.  High levels of internal resources are lifely present, and their exploitation is extensive.


The society seldom interacts with others, but will on occasion.  Commerce, traffic, and communication with neighboring societies is limited, but occurs on a regular basis.  The society is not completely internalized.  It invites limited degrees of external influence and interaction.  Greater resource levels are likely present, and their exploitation levels will be higher than average.


The society exhibits an average level of interaction.  Commerce, traffic, and communication with other societies is steady and occurs regulary.  The society balances its internal and external influences.  Resource and Exploitation levels are entirely variable.


The society's level of interaction is slightly above average.  Commerce and traffic with other societies occurs regularly,  the society balances internal and external influences.  Communication may extend beyond the societies immediate region, and the level of international trade will be higher than average.  Resource levels may be lower than average, but Exploitation levels will vary.


The society's level of interaction is above average.  Commerce and trade with other societies is frequent, and external influences are numerous.  Communication extends beyond the society's immediate region, and the level of international trade is higher than average.  Ressource levels may be lower than average, but exploitation levels will vary.


The society is highly interactive.  Commerce and traffic with other societies is common.  External influences are extensive.  communication extends beyond the society's immediate region, and international trade occurs at much higher levels than are typical.  Resource levels may be lower than average, but exploitation levels will vary.


The society is completely interactive.  Commerce and Traffic with other societies is constant.  External influences are extensive.  Communication extends from beyond the society's immediate region, and the level of international trade is much higher than average.  Resource levels may be lower than average, but exploitation levels will vary.

Technology Levels (d100)

d100 Result Materials Power & Manufacturing Agriculture Construction Transportation & Communication Military Innovation TL



STONE and wood

Manpower, FIRE, Stone tools. Wood and Bone used to make tools of same.

No cultivation.  Hunting, fishing, and gathering are common means of subsistence

No man-made shelters.  Natural Shelters such as caves


Flaked Choppers and Rounded Hammerstones held in fist and primitive flake knives

Specialized and permanent camp environments, early paint (2 pigments only) burial rituals, engraved and painted artworks, primitive sculptures, lamps (burn fat), and BONE needles




Stone, BONE (Horn), and wood

Manpower, fire, Stone tools. Wood and Bone used to make tools of same.

No cultivation.  Hunting, fishing, and gathering are common means of subsistence

No man-made shelters.  Natural Shelters such as caves


STONE Points and Small flint BLADES

Specialized and permanent camp environments, early paint (2 pigments only) burial rituals, engraved and painted artworks, primitive sculptures, lamps (burn fat), and BONE needles




stone, boon (horn and antler), wood, and skins

Manpower, fire, Stone tools. Wood and Bone used to make tools of same.

No cultivation.  Hunting, fishing, and gathering are common means of subsistence

Crude HUTS & TENTS (animal skin stretched over wooden frames)


Hafted Weapons (axes, spears, harpoons), BOW & ARROW, Spear-throwers, Snares, and Barbed Spears

Specialized and permanent camp environments, early paint (2 pigments only) burial rituals, engraved and painted artworks, primitive sculptures, lamps (burn fat), and BONE needles




stone, bone, wood, skin, and clay

POTTER'S WHEEL and Advanced Stone-working Techniques

INCIPIENT AGRICULTURAL Practices, primitive dams as irrigation, and widespread clearing of forested land.  Crude plows, stone sickles, digging sticks, and saddle querns aid cultivation efforts

Crude HUTS & TENTS (animal skin stretched over wooden frames)

Dugout canoe & travois

Specialized arrow and Spear Points and Longer ground and polished flake blades

BOW DRILL, pole lathe, POTTERY vessels, grindstone, and primitive calendars, jewelry, (eggshell beads), obsidian tools, grave goods (burial rituals), representational at and painted pottery.




stone, bone, wood, skin, clay, and woven cloth

Animal power (Domesticated animals) and Sailpower (small craft only). Fermenting and Distilling.  SOFT METAL Industries

Animal husbandry and widespread cultivation.  HOE, pit silos, primitive crop rotation and drainage.

Stone structures (usually religious), packed clay domestic residences, sun-dried mud brick (pise), and dry-laid stone buildings with domed roofs.  MASONRY construction begins.  Composite buildings of clay and wood (wattle and daub), round and rectangular buildings, central hearth, thatch or reed roofs, and heavy timber-frame constructions (ridge-pole and rafter)

Constructed canoe, DOMESTICATED ANIMALS for transportation, Small SAILING vessels, and Signalling (reflective or smoke)

SLING, Staff Sling, Double-sided Ax, Refined Axe Blade and Polishing techniques, Reflex Bow, Core Blades (Stronger than flake) mounted in bone sleeves attached to haft, and javelins

BOW DRILL, pole lathe, POTTERY vessels, grindstone, and primitive calendars, jewelry, (eggshell beads), obsidian tools, grave goods (burial rituals), representational at and painted pottery.





Soft Metal Industries expand.

Basic Irrigation, water-raising devices, canals, and dikes.  Also dams and wooden plows.

More sophisticated timber frames & log houses

Large River Barges and Oared Vessels

Stone Mace, Copper Mace Heads, and copper knives / axe heads (ceremonial)

Village Planning, Wax Casting, and clay MOLDS for soft metals, early WRITING (no alphabet), megaliths, TEXTILE cultivation, burial mounds, mummification, cylinder seals, and stone weights for a measurement system. Fired ceramics, advanced jewelry design in soft metals, viticulture, simple stringed instruments, early CITIES, clay letters and envelopes and astronomy




BRONZE, Gold, GLASS, and Silver

Bronze Alloys, Primitive Casting Furnaces, and Large Scale production / trade of Pottery and Oils.

CHANNEL IRRIGATION, aqueducts above ground-level, and better fertilization techniques.

FIRED BRICK as building material, corbel vaults and stone domes, underground sewers, developed masonry techniques which allow large brick structures, square post, sawed plank, and shingle (made with METAL TOOLS).  Large cut-stone structures, extensive stone quarrying, mason's pick, metal bow-drill and barrel vaults.

WHEELed Vehicles (2 or 4 wheeled carts), large sailing vessels, sleds and horse harness

COMPOSITE recurve bow, bronze blades (knives, daggers & spearheads), socketed axe-head

Village Planning, Wax Casting, and clay MOLDS for soft metals, early WRITING (no alphabet), megaliths, TEXTILE cultivation, burial mounds, mummification, cylinder seals, and stone weights for a measurement system. Fired ceramics, advanced jewelry design in soft metals, viticulture, simple stringed instruments, early CITIES, clay letters and envelopes and astronomy




Bronze, Gold, Glass, and Silver

Stronger Bronze Alloys ("True Bronze") and large oil and wine presses

Farming implements edged with bronze.  Animal and water powered scoop wheels raise water.

Metal chisels and mallets, SQUARES, PLUMB BOBS, and STRIGHTEDGES aid construction.  Stone frame Construction (post and lintel construction)

2 Wheeled Chariot, Spoked Wheel (lighter and faster), and Multi-banked Oared Vessels

Chariots, ritual And practical arms and armor made from soft metals (electrum, silver, gold) decorated bronze weapon, double-edge swords, sickle-swords, winged axes and bronze scale armor (sewn onto leather backing)

Advanced Mathematics, toggles and pins for clothing, phonetic ALPHABETS, woven CLOTH, early city planning, glass and glazing techniques, elaborate tombs and high temperature firing.




IRON (bloom), Ivory, Ceramics, and Enamels

Large Furnaces and Kilns

Farming implements edged with bronze.  Animal and water powered scoop wheels raise water.

Underground FOUNDATIONS, Massive freestanding stone columns, and huge lintels

Improved and Integrated Paved Roads and courier services

Sword Blades are socketed and leaf-shaped for slashing attacks, bronze armor-forms appear (healms, sheilds, Clasp Greaves)

Musical instruments (bronze horns, lyres, harps), advanced-otters, and PULLY




Iron (carburized)

Treadmills and smelting furnaces which burn charcoal (higher temperatures).  Bloom iron and wrought iron (both impure)

Hoes and mattocks edged with iron.  Metal sickles and reapers.  Scientific stock breeding.

Construction plans / drawings, metal cramps and dowels for joining stone, glazed brick lime MORTAR, fried clay roof tiles, CORBEL domes, and great underground tombs.

STIRRUP (revolutionized mounted travel) and specialized ship design (trade - high, wide and round), war - low, narrow and long)

IRON SWORDS, iron MAIL, Longer and Thinner Iron Spearheads, Longer wooden Spearshafts, and Iron stirrups (mounted combat improved).  Bronze remains most common Armor Material

Alphabetic SCRIPT, COINAGE, pivoting doors, and gates, ceramic seals and steps, water pumps (hand or animal powered), METROLOGY (accurate system of weights and measures), early PAPER, medicinal treatment, and early textile factories





CARBURIZATION of Iron and early steel, primitive tempering processes, and soap.  Manufacturing related crafts (glassworking, pottery-making, weaving, etc...) becomes specialized

Two field system of agriculture, domesticated oxen and mules, composting and manuring for fertilization and marl (lime, clay, and sand).  Iron tools (spaces, rakes, scythes, and shovels), wheeled plows, oil presses, and reservoir sluice gates.  IRON PLOW SHARES & SOULTERS.

ARCHES, vaulted enclosures, advanced stone frames, advanced listing machinery, CONCRETE, IRON NAILS, large domes, cross-vault techniques, brick arches / vaults, trusses, lead roofs, bronze doors, gilded bronze roof tiles, lead pipes, public sewage system, syphons, aqueducts, glass building decorations and early windows and hypocaust heating (hot air conducted through open floors and walls)

Improved Harness and PIVIOTING FRONT AXEL on carts

Iron Mail common, smaller segmented IRON PLATE

Early surgery, early libraries, vast stone complexes and structures, clinker-built ships (overlapping wooden planks), wind instruments, decorated glassware, astronomical calculations (especially for aviation), elaborate mosaics and fresco work, MORTAR, plaster, paper, INK, inkstands, wheelbarrow, and bronze belts




Iron, steel

Horse power (possible after horsecollar and horseshoes), Coal Furnaces, SPINNING WHEEL, and Fulling Stocks

HORSE COLAR (enables horses to be employed as draft beasts - more efficient than oxen) and jointed agricultural flail.

Stave timber construction, large fortifications (early castles), segmented polygonal domes, and cross-vaults raised on columns.

Horseshoe, Horse collar, and breast harness

War Saddle with single girth, CURB BIT (precise horse control, and Bred Warhorses

Parchment books and small scale mining




Iron, steel

WATERPOWER (unregulated watermill) and Coal used for smelting

Great Canals for transport and irrigation, terraced fields, pond fields, and open field system of agriculture (long scattered stips seperated by furrows)

Stave timber construction, large fortifications (early castles), segmented polygonal domes, and cross-vaults raised on columns.

Improved saddles and rudders


Large scale Mining, Woodblock PRINTING, sophisticated metalworking and polychrome jewelry, early ASTROLABE, and coinage mints




Iron, steel

Geared Watermills and overshot mill wheels (mills used for fulling cloth and sawing wood)

Deep water drift nets (fishing, THREE FIELD SYSTEM of crop rotation, soil conservation and wheeled asymmetrical plows with rudimentary moldboards)

Stave timber construction, large fortifications (early castles), segmented polygonal domes, and cross-vaults raised on columns.

Single masted ships with square or rectangular sails


Large scale Mining, Woodblock PRINTING, sophisticated metalworking and polychrome jewelry, early ASTROLABE, and coinage mints




Iron, steel (carbon controlled steel)

REFINEMENT of Steel-making (carbon controlled steel appears for use in tools and arms)

MOLDBOARDS for plows (turns hard, rock earth more easily) and shifting cultivation methods.

Stave timber construction, large fortifications (early castles), segmented polygonal domes, and cross-vaults raised on columns.

Elaborate carriages and specialized types of carts

Surcoat, Quilted Gambesons worn under mail, Long Split Byrnies (Bauberks) allow riding, Large Shields, Open Helms, Mail Coifs (hoods), and Primitive GUNPOWDER

Architectural units, movable type, paper money (vouchers), artificial lakes and reservoirs, public baths, lacquer inlays, stone-lined sewers, herbal medicines, magnetic compasses, and complicated string instruments (lute)




Iron, steel (blast furnace)

Windpower (post windmills- whole body of mill turns to face sails into the wind) and BLAST FURNACE

Large-scale clearance and drainage of marshy and forested areas, step wells with artificial lakes, and polders (land reclaimed from the sea) WINDMILLS

Stone-cutting saws powered by watermill, large cranes, larger windows, CATENARY curve arch (gothic arch), FLYING BUTTRESS, massive foundations, RIB VAULTING, groins, masonry fireplaces and chimneys and great stone fortifications.

Improved road and bridge construction and elaborate canals with lock gates

Pot Helms, High War Saddle, and LONGBOW

Architectural units, movable type, paper money (vouchers), artificial lakes and reservoirs, public baths, lacquer inlays, stone-lined sewers, herbal medicines, magnetic compasses, and complicated string instruments (lute)




Iron, steel (cast iron)

Cast iron replaces wrought iron and HORIZONTAL LOOM for weaving

Extensive horse-breeding programs and urban refuse as fertilizer

Stone-cutting saws powered by watermill, large cranes, larger windows, CATENARY curve arch (gothic arch), FLYING BUTTRESS, massive foundations, RIB VAULTING, groins, masonry fireplaces and chimneys and great stone fortifications.

Carriage SUSPENSIONS, COMPASS, LATEEN SAIL (for sailing into the wind), Double-masted Ships. and STERN POST RUDDER (for steering)

Early Plate Armor, Fine Mail Gloves, Mail Horse Armor, and Steel / Heavy Crossbows

Architectural units, movable type, paper money (vouchers), artificial lakes and reservoirs, public baths, lacquer inlays, stone-lined sewers, herbal medicines, magnetic compasses, and complicated string instruments (lute)




Iron, steel

Cast iron can be refined into wrought iron

Floating gardens and many open fields for grazing

Half-timber construction for houses, dovetail timber joints, corbeled truss frame, SPIRES, metal bands to support spire, and strainer arches

Civil Engineering, Ocean-going Navigation, Three-masted Ships, Sophisticated ASTROLAB, and QUADRANT (for navigation)

Large Visored Helm, Smaller Sheilds, and Bombards and early Cannon, Windlass and Crannequin for spanning crossbows

Illuminated / illustrated manuscripts, mechanical CLOCKS, science of OPTICS, polychrome enamels, accounting systems, and accurate navigational CHARTS




Iron, steel, and pewter

Tower Mill windmill (only top of mill turns to face the wind) and bismuth smelting to make pewter.

Legumes and root crops introduced into rotation (prevents the need for fallow fields)

Half-timber construction for houses, dovetail timber joints, corbeled truss frame, SPIRES, metal bands to support spire, and strainer arches

Square sales replace Lateen Sails, Reintroduction of Single-masted ships, loadstone used in navigation, and fully rigged vessels (3 masts 5-6 sails, 700+ tons)

Full Plate Armor, Plate Barding, Fingered Plate Gauntlets, and Large Canon

Illuminated / illustrated manuscripts, mechanical CLOCKS, science of OPTICS, polychrome enamels, accounting systems, and accurate navigational CHARTS




Iron, steel

Wrought iron manipulated into intricate designs and shapes

increased emphasis on fodder crops - leads to four course system of agriculture

Halfarches (ribs), large round and octagonal domes.

Large full-rigged galleons and trading ships

First Small Arms (matchlock FIREARMS)

Illuminated / illustrated manuscripts, mechanical CLOCKS, science of OPTICS, polychrome enamels, accounting systems, and accurate navigational CHARTS
