1039 Accompany' Ambush (Greed Island) (d4)

Greed Island TRPG

This table is used to generate a player ambush performed through '1039 Accompany'.


d4 Result


1039 Accompany' Ambush!

Group of Roll 1d2+2 players arrive with the intentions of using '1018 Levy' and then quickly leaving with the help of any traversal cards.

The players' Card Binders can be generated by using any of Greed Island's NPC generators.


1039 Accompany' Ambush!

A group of players (Roll 1d2+2) hired to sabotage the party's progress arrives. They use whatever card-stealing and card-destroying spells they they own, worrying very little about their own binders.


1039 Accompany' Ambush!

A group of players (Roll 1d2+2) arrive, begging the party to assist them in fending off their pursuers, who arrive through '1039 Accompany' themselves not long after. In those few seconds, the PCs must decide if they want to intervene or not.


1039 Accompany' Ambush!

A group of players (Roll 1d2+2) arrive for some good old fashioned card-PVP action.