OotA: Madness of Fraz-Urb'Luu (d100)

Any time a creature goes mad either in Fraz-Urb'Luu's lair or in line of sight of the demon lord, roll on this table to determine the nature of the madness.

d100 Flaw


“I never let anyone know the truth about my actions or intentions, even if doing so would be beneficial to me"


"I have intermittent hallucinations and fits of catatonia"


"My mind wanders as I have elaborate fantasies that have no bearing on reality. When I return my focus to the world, I have a hard time remembering that it was just a daydream"


"I convince myself that things are true, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary"


"My perception of reality doesn't match anyone else's. It makes me prone to violent delusions that make no sense to anyone else"

Out of the Abyss Appendix D: Demon Lords