Trinkets, 12 (d100)

Description (more info)

Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.

d100 Result


A sealed vessel topped by a jackal’s head, all crafted of glazed porcelain. The canopic jar contains a wrapped and preserved humanoid stomach.


A sealed vessel topped by a mummy’s head, all crafted of glazed porcelain. The canopic jar contains a wrapped and preserved humanoid liver.


A sealed wooden box holding seven sealed scrolls containing missives to seven different people. The missives are written in code and need to be deciphered.


A set of four metallic, pointed-toe boots designed to fit a horse or a similar equine creature


A set of soft leather suspenders that fasten to buttons on the front and back of trousers. They have two adjustable iron clips, triangular in shape and heavily rusted, each bearing an etched diamond shape.


A set of ten leather sleeves that fit over one’s fingertips and extend right up to the knuckles and palm.


A shattered stub of a wooden stake. Black blood covers the stake’s tip. Barely visible under the blood is some kind of rune, but its meaning is impossible to determine as part of it is missing.


A shrunken head of a zombie which still occasionally snaps its teeth together and moans.


A silk scarf once used to gag a captive siren. It occasionally makes strangely attractive sounds when the material rubs against itself


A single glove with three large fingers that puts out any candle sized or smaller flames it touches.


A single leather glove that is extremely durable and resistant.


A single sheet of of non-flammable paper that erases itself every night.


A six chambered spice box containing different varieties of pepper


A skull of a small rodent with a name carved into it in tiny runes.


A slate tablet with an exquisite picture of a prominent nearby landmark on it. The chalk image is unfinished and a small box of materials rests nearby.


A sleek corset which includes a patterned brocade of skulls.


A slender belt pouch specially treated to be waterproof. Inside the pouch is a variety of dried herbs. Each bunch is tied together with twine.


A slender chain supporting a small wooden holy symbol of an evil cult’s God. A cultist’s name is etched on the back of the symbol.


A slender scroll tube cleverly carved from an immense fang that holds a single sheaf of tightly wound parchment. The parchment holds a map showing the surrounding area in a simplistic form. The map marks several nearby dangerous locales.


A slender wooden twig which cannot be broken by any man


A slowly beating clockwork heart


A small black branding iron with a stylized “S” forms the iron’s head. The tips of the “S” end in crude snake heads. The iron is wrapped in bloody, scorched cloth.


A small black pouch containing a set of cosmetic tools for cleaning the ears.


A small blue disk that seems magnetically attracted to skin and is hard to pull off when its comes in contact with flesh.


A small bottle of eye drops that make the user’s eyes seem completely white with no pupils. This effect lasts for an hour and the user suffer no loss of sight


A small brass bell that rings a different note every time


A small card marked “Get out of jail FREE” in Common. The local King’s official stamp or good forgery thereof is displayed prominently on back.


A small ceramic cat with a perpetually waving arm


A small ceramic pot that produces a tiny puff of colored smoke once every hour and a half


A small coin pouch containing five large golden triangular coins stamped with symbols of the minor god of greed, lies and outer beauty. Perceptive PC’s will notice that they are actually lead coins covered in a thin layer of gold leaf.


A small coin purse containing a set of ten false fingernails painted with mysterious symbols.


A small drawstring bag of marbles made from real marble


A small flask of pure spring water. The leather flask itself has a small strap allowing it to be carried over the shoulder.


A small frozen glass-like flame that subtly melts and refreezes, morphing over time. It reflects light (Especially firelight) very well but gives off no heat or light of its own.


A small globe of glass with a city inside, if touched or moved one can hear soft screams.


A small half-full wineskin containing a powerful, but harsh, brandy smelling strongly of blackberries.


A small hand fan that only blows hot air.


A small hand mirror that shows someone other than the viewer when gazed upon


A small hourglass who’s sand only runs when someone nearby is hungry


A small inconspicuous black bag containing a collection of dirty implements including: a pliers, a dozen needles, a scalpel, a half dozen clamps of various sizes, a vial of powdered glass, a pair of thumbscrews and a suspiciously clean steel tablespoon.


A small ivory statuette of a small human child


A small knitted octopus


A small leather pouch of loose smoking tobacco


A small leather pouch tied shut with thin leather cords contains a half-dozen carefully wrapped white mushrooms. The mushrooms are fresh and tasty. They contain a mild hallucinogen that when ingested creates feelings of euphoria and visions of subdued colors bursting forth from any nearby mundane light source. Magical light gives forth more vibrant colors; the more powerful the magic, the more vibrant and scintillating the colors. The effects last for 2d4 hours per mushroom.


A small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night but all who hear it cannot recall it by morning


A small mass of grey metallic ooze that can be stretched but not pulled apart


A small mechanical snapping turtle


A small metal bar etched with the word: “Help.”


A small metal box made of six inward facing mirrors that put off a dim glow which keeps the interior perpetually illuminated. Located inside is a small figurine of a crying angel. The figurine disappears if it is ever outside of the box and is not actively watched by at least one intelligent creature.


A small metal box made of six inward facing mirrors.


A small metal box with broken hinges. When pried open a preserved eyeball will be found inside. If touched the eyeball will share mentally with the user grainy imagery of several hidden treasure hoards but doesn’t provide any clue or direction to the hoards.


A small metal cylinder with a lens at one end. When looked into, randomly colored geometric patterns can be seen. The patterns change if the end is twisted


A small mirror on the end of a rod that can be used to peer around corners.


A small piece of amber containing a spider in the process of eating a fly


A small piece of apparently unbreakable glass that slowly ripples like the surface of a pond.


A small piece of fabric that still holds the scent of a lost love


A small piece of granite in the shape of a rhomboid that occasionally turns to liquid, but always reforms quickly


A small piece of rock that floats almost imperceptibly above the ground


A small portrait of a family with all of the eyes crossed out


A small pouch containing common herbs for making tea


A small pouch containing three quills wrapped in an ink-stained cloth, two small vials of ink (red and black) and several scraps of crumpled parchment.


A small pouch made of blue chain mail. When opened on a surface, hundreds of tiny, green ants march out, find nearby small objects (coins, pins, buttons, beads etc.) and begin hauling them back towards the bag. If bag is inspected it is always found to be empty of the ants or anything they have collected.


A small pouch that sometimes has a rock in it, and sometimes doesn’t


A small pouch with a fold-over top holds a half dozen slender knives. All are razor sharp and spotlessly clean. Some have very strangely shaped tips. To a collector of torture equipment (or perhaps an apothecary or necromancer) the set may be worth something.


A small rabbit-fur pouch filled with ceremonial herbs and incense


A small rectangular device that makes a chirping sound at the same time each day


A small red velvet pouch. The pouch is all but empty, however a determined examination reveals a few flecks of diamond dust stuck to the lining.


A small round grey stone that, when held, gives the user complete control over their pinky toes.


A small sack full of blood-soaked earth destined for the garden of an evil cultist. According to the attached note he believes using blood-soaked earth gives his crops a “certain taste”.


A small scroll case containing scraps of paper that, when ordered properly, become the outline for an epic poem. Based on the outline and the few incomplete verses, this would have been the bard’s masterpiece.


A small scroll tube containing several pages of sheet music for a haunting melody that sticks in the listener’s head if played.


A small silver locket that opens to reveal a tiny painting of a severe-looking woman wearing a ball gown. The clasp for the locket’s chain is broken, perhaps it was ripped from its owner’s neck.


A small spool of spider silk


A small stone chest containing the preserved heart of a virgin, wrapped in shroud-cloth


A small stone face that hovers a few inches in the air, occasionally slamming down to the ground


A small stone hammer, worn down to a nub


A small stone idol in the shape of a feral, wildcat


A small stone that shifts through the color spectrum over the course of a week


A small stone that sings a lullaby in an unknown tongue when you rub your thumb over it


A small travel pouch containing a symbol drawing kit, consisting of a length of string, chalk, compasses and a notebook with detailed notes and diagrams.


A small utility knife made of flint with bone inlays


A small wooden idol of a cross legged man in prayer


A small, colorful pebble that (No matter what) somehow finds its way back to its owner at sundown.


A small, corked, dark glass bottle filled to the brim with a powerful liquor


A small, slightly worn, silver broach in the shape of a dove with an inscription on the back that reads, “To my dearest, Lorael, on the 400th anniversary of your birth.”


A small, soft, black pouch containing a half-dozen lock picks. One is horribly bent and all but useless.


A smoked glass urn containing the ashes of a cremated mage


A smooth green stone that, when palmed, causes strange music to play in the bearer’s mind.


A soft cushion that never gets warm


A spindle-shaped piece of blue stone with a golden rod stuck in it that occasionally vibrates and produces fragments of not-quite-human voices, none of which speak a familiar language.


A spoon made of linen that makes food taste amazing when moving east


A square pane of glass set in a bone frame that shows images of animals you’ve never seen.


A squishy ball that randomly changes color when clenched or squeezed.


A standard copper coin that always lands on its edge.


A steel belt buckle that pulses when moving upwards


A steel holy symbol of a minor God of Roll on "Evil Domains", which has one particularly sharp edge. Close examination reveals dried blood smeared over it.


A stone tablet, broken at one end and covered with odd writing. Each night of the full moon the writing glows and dogs in the nearby area begin to bark.


A stoppered clay flask decorated with lewd images of demons cavorting with humans.


A strange barbed choker that makes the bearer’s voice more resonant


A string necklace made up of various bits of bone and teeth, presumably trophies from an adventurer’s travels. Most are from kobolds, goblins and the like, but the centerpiece tooth appears to be from a young dragon.